As our parents age, falls become a common and serious concern. If your mom or dad

falls, it can be a frightening experience, but knowing the right steps to take can make all the difference. At Sedona Garden Assisted Living, we are dedicated to helping you navigate this chapter of life with confidence and compassion.
1. Check for Injuries
The first and most important step is to assess for any injuries. If your mom is bleeding or in pain, call 911 immediately. If she's conscious but may have fallen from a height or injured her neck or spine, avoid moving her and call an ambulance. If she doesn't seem badly hurt, help her find a comfortable position. Treat minor bumps and bruises by elevating the area and applying an ice pack for about 10 minutes.
2. Help Her Up
If your mom isn't injured and feels capable, you can assist her in getting up. Ensure she moves slowly and steadily to avoid further injury. Offer support by having her roll onto her side and get onto her hands and knees before using a sturdy piece of furniture to stand up.
3. Make Her Feel Safe and Comfortable
After a fall, your mom may feel shaken or scared. Reassure her and encourage her to take deep breaths. Keep her warm by covering her with a blanket, support her head with a towel or cushion, and offer her a drink of water to help her relax.
4. Find Out What Caused the Fall
Understanding the cause of the fall is crucial to prevent future incidents. If your mom tripped on something, remove the hazard immediately. It could be a loose rug, clutter on the floor, or poor lighting. Identifying and addressing these hazards can significantly reduce the risk of another fall.
5. Take Steps to Prevent Another Fall
To minimize the risk of future falls, consider implementing these preventative measures:
Schedule Regular Eye Exams:Â Poor vision can increase the likelihood of tripping and falling.
Encourage Hydration:Â Dehydration can lead to weakness and dizziness. Ensure your mom drinks plenty of fluids throughout the day.
Medical Alert Devices:Â Consider investing in a medical alert device. These devices ensure that your mom can quickly call for help if she falls and is unable to reach the phone.
At Sedona Garden Assisted Living, we understand the importance of keeping your loved ones safe and secure. Falls are a serious issue, but with the right steps, you can help your mom stay safe and healthy. We are here to support you and your family as you navigate these challenges and ensure that your mom receives the care and attention she deserves.
Happy to take any call and support you and your family.
Krystal, Owner and Manager of Sedona Garden Assisted Living